Visual Vybz Studios

Mar 27 min

How to Find Quality Social Media Influencers for a Medical Spa

There are a lot of influencers available online these days, which makes finding and vetting quality social media influencers for your medical spa even more difficult.

Influencer marketing is the main marketing strategy used by many medical spas to promote their services on social media. Which makes finding quality medical spa social media influencers very important, especially if you’re looking to collaborate with influencers that have a proven track record of success.

But to conduct an effective social media marketing and medical spa influencer campaign, you need to choose the right people. The best medical spa influencers are the ones who can reach your target audience and the right group of social media users to boost branding and widen your customer base.

So, how do you find the right medical spa influencer for the job?

When crafting effective social media marketing strategies, it's important for any medical spa or aesthetic practice to vet their social media influencers carefully. But with so many social media influencers online and more social media platforms to choose from, finding the ideal medical spa influencer can be tough.

So, in this blog, we'll be going through some of the different ways you can start vetting medical spa influencers so that you can find quality influencers to help you reach your target audience and increase brand awareness for your medical spa.

Read on to learn more.

How to Find Influencers for your Medical Spa

Whether your brand offers a small range of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures or is a full-on medical spa or aesthetic practice that offers a wider range of services, finding the right medical spa influencer on the right social media platform is the way to build brand recognition and potentially boost sales. Here are a couple of key tips for finding and vetting social media influencers for your medical spa;

Look at Their Previous Campaigns

The first step is to look at the previous campaigns that the influencer has completed. As a marketing manager, it's important that you check out how effective a specific influencer is at promoting brands before hiring them for an influencer marketing campaign of your own.

This can be a job spread out among the entire marketing team, especially if you're considering a number of different micro-influencers. Before starting any medical spa influencer partnership, you have to research their history. You can even ask them to provide some case studies, or results to help you make your decision.

When vetting social media influencers for your medical spa, check out their previous partnerships with other brands. Check out the type of content they post to see if it aligns with your own marketing strategy. Aside from hiring an influencer that can increase your brand impact, it's also important to see if they can or have posted relevant content in the past that aligns with your vision.

This can be in the influencer's tone when posting, the type of pictures they post, and even the type of engagement they got in their previous influencer marketing campaign. Choosing medical spa influencers for a social media marketing campaign can be tough, especially for your first marketing campaign.

But a great way to look at the potential advertising gains you'll receive by parenting with a medical spa influencer is by checking out their latest posts and old campaigns to see if they are the right influencer for your brand.

Make Sure Their Followers Are Your Target Audience

Having a million followers is a great way for influencers to increase their influencer status. However, if these millions of followers are fake followers or aren't your target audience, their posts will be meaningless and quite frankly, a waste of your investment. So, before you consider any collaborations with social media influencers, make sure that their audience and followers they have are aligned with the target audience you would like to attract to your medical spa.

This is a big reason micro-influencers can potentially be more effective than mega-influencers. When it comes to a social media influencer marketing campaign, you need to make sure you're reaching the right people, not just a lot of people.

So, if you're considering a certain medical spa influencer for the job, it won't hurt to go through the people in their followers to figure out if they can hit your specific audience and bring the right attention to your medical spa.

Look For Influencers With Organic Growth & Engagement

Social media marketing is a booming discipline, which means there are lots of influencers trying to get ahead of the pack. And one of the ways influencers do this is by buying fake followers and fake engagements on their posts. Such content might catch your eye, especially if you notice hundreds of thousands of engagements which is comparable to a lot of mega influencers.

However, there could be a chance that all of this is fake engagement. It can be hard to spot influencers who buy followers and reactions to their posts, but there are tons of reputable tools and programs that shed light on influencers who have purchased fake followers and engagement, here’s a list of some of our influencer vetting resources.

So, before hiring an influencer for your med spa marketing campaign, make sure that their posts get authentic engagement so that you know that their posts will be reaching your target audience.

Think Quality Over Quantity

When getting into the world of influencer marketing, a high follower count can be very enticing. However, this isn't the only thing you need to consider. When hiring medical spa influencers for a campaign, especially a localized one, it might be better to hire micro-influencers instead. These people may not have as many followers and engagements as mega influencers, but they could potentially reach more people who have a higher chance of converting.

The right influencer for your medical spa is one that fits your brand strategy. So, if you think you'll bring in more people through smaller influencer marketing campaigns than larger ones, you might want to start looking at the micro-influencers in your area.

Do a Background Check

Getting canceled is a major risk for many influencers. It's very important that you don't align yourself with influencers who may have done questionable things in the past. Remember, it's not just the physical appearance and vanity metrics that increase influencer status, but it's their overall reputation.

So, whether you're hiring an influencer for a single ad promotion or an entire marketing campaign, make sure to do a proper background check on them. You need to make sure that the person you hire has an image that fits the medical aesthetics bill and attracts the same audience you want to reach, which is easier to do when you conduct a thorough background check.

How to Evaluate an Influencer's Performance

Once you've hired an influencer, you need to make sure that they are actually making a huge difference and bringing in more website traffic, social media followers, and new customers. It can be hard to measure the performance of an influencer, especially since some profiles exist with bought followers and fake engagement.

So, here are a couple of different ways you can evaluate the performance of an influencer and whether or not the influencer marketing strategy is working for your medical spa.

Set Measurable Goals

Firstly, you have to set measurable and tangible goals. Considering the associated costs of hiring medical spa influencers on different social media platforms, you need to have some sort of ROI. So, when crafting your marketing strategy with influencers, make sure that you set proper goals that you can reach and measure.

That way, you can keep track of the influencer's performance on the platform and whether or not they are actually helping you reach your goals.

Focus on Audience Engagement

It can be easy to get distracted by the high follower count of the influencer you hired to promote your medical spa. However, what's more, important is the engagement rates they get on their post. Remember, the more people engage with the post of an influencer, the more the algorithm of the platform will push your post.

So, aside from boosting engagement by making sponsored content, make sure that the influencer is already getting organic engagement for your brand, which is the reason you hired them in the first place.

Engagement rates and the importance of certain metrics can differ depending on the platform they're on. However, it's also important to get a variety of engagements and not just likes. So, try to make sure the medical spa influencer you hired is raking in a lot of comments and shares on top of the likes. This is a great way to measure if their posts are actually attracting attention and boosting your brand.

Site Traffic & Social Media Growth

Another way to see if the influencers are actually helping your medical spa grow is to look at your own site traffic. Usually, when you hire someone to post sponsored content, they will include a link to your own profile or website. If the campaign is working, then people will flock to your website and start making inquiries through direct messages or following your brand on different social media platforms.

So, if you notice that your social media profiles are growing and your website gets more visitors when the medical spa influencer starts posting, that's a good sign they're reaching the right audience, and the campaign is working.

Finding Social Media Influencers for your Medical Spa.

Social media influencer campaigns are a great way to boost brand recognition for your medical spa. So set some time aside to do your research and carefully evaluate the value of adding a medical spa influencer to your marketing strategy.

Since medical spas are designed to help people feel better about their physical appearance, social media influencers with high engagement and similar audiences are a great way to increase your own brand recognition.

For influencer marketing to work, you need to choose the right medical spa influencers. And with these tips, it will be much easier for you to find social media influencers who are ready to help your medical spa reach the right audience and attract more customers!

Do you need help putting these tips into action?

Our team of content strategists, content creators, and creative marketers would love to help. Book your free virtual consultation with us at any time.